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 > उत्पादनहरू > पिन्जर

स्टकमा m6-m16 को स्थानका लागि लक नटको साथ स्टेनलेस स्टीलको पिन


ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock manufacture
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock supplier
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock details
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock manufacture
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock manufacture
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock supplier
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock manufacture
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock details
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock manufacture
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock details
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock manufacture
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock supplier
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock details
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock details
उत्पादनको नाम
हार्डवेयर फास्टनर निर्माताहरू
व्यावसायिक केन्द्रितता
हार्डवेयरको फ्लेयर
स्नीक २०११✌

बल पिन्जर/स्प्रिंग पिन्जर स्टेनलेस स्टील/हातमा घुमाउन सकिने स्प्रिंग पिन्जर/स्प्रिंग लोड पिन्जर/बल स्प्रिंग पिन्जर/छोटो माइक्रो स्प्रिंग पिन्जर/मिनी इन्डेक्सिंग पिन्जर पिन/बल ट्रान्सफर युनि

एक स्टप सेवा ~~
एक अर्डर निःशुल्क नमूना लागि ~~
लजाउनु पर्दैन ~~~ हामीलाई निःशुल्क सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस्!
यो हाम्रो लागि एक अद्भुत सुरुवात हुनेछ ~~

inflatable वा ब्लोअर लागि कार्डोन वा ग्राहकको निर्देशन रूपमा लागि पीवीसी बैग
समुद्र, हावा वा एक्सप्रेस द्वारा
शेन्जेन हङकङ गुआंगझौ
वितरण समय
७ दिन-१५ दिन
t/t, ५०% जम्मा रकम, ५०% ब्यालेन्स डेलिभरी अघि भुक्तानी, वेस्ट युनियन, पेपैल आदि
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock manufacture

ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock supplier
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock supplier
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock details
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
सम्बन्धित उत्पादनहरू
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock supplier
झेंग चेन चुनने के 4 प्रमुख कारण
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock supplier
अनुप्रयोग क्षेत्र
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock details
कम्पनी प्रोफाइल
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock manufacture
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock supplier
प्याकेजिङ्ग र डेलिभरी
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock details
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock factory
हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस
ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock supplier

ZPLCKS L shape Handle Retractable indexing plungers pin stainless steel with lock nut for positioning M6-M16 in stock details

निःशुल्क उद्धरण प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्

हाम्रो प्रतिनिधिले तपाईंलाई चाँडै सम्पर्क गर्नेछन्।
कम्पनीको नाम

सम्बन्धित खोज