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 > उत्पादनहरू > स्क्रू

उत्कृष्ट गुणस्तर din6912 स्टेनलेस स्टील प्राकृतिक समाप्त मा कम टाउको संग सोकेट टाउको स्क्रू

Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish factory
स्टेनलेस स्टील
कम टाउकोको साथ सोकेट हेड स्क्रू
स्टेनलेस स्टील
सुस ४४० सी, पोम सेतो
समतल अनुहारको बल
राम्रो पिच धागा
m3 देखि m16 सम्म
सतह उपचार
कालो र गैर
गोल बल
स्थिति, क्लम्पिंग, तंग
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish details
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish manufacture
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish supplier
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish manufacture
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish supplier
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish details
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish supplier
अनुप्रयोग क्षेत्र
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish factory
सम्बन्धित उत्पादनहरू
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish manufacture
कम्पनी प्रोफाइल
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish manufacture
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish manufacture
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish details
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish details
प्याकेजिङ्ग र डेलिभरी
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish manufacture
प्र. प्र.
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish details
हामीलाई सम्पर्क गर्नुहोस
Excellent Quality DIN6912 socket head screws with low head in stainless steel natural finish supplier

निःशुल्क उद्धरण प्राप्त गर्नुहोस्

हाम्रो प्रतिनिधिले तपाईंलाई चाँडै सम्पर्क गर्नेछन्।
कम्पनीको नाम

सम्बन्धित खोज